What's HappeningA massive GREEN FESTIVAL 2014Little Green HandsAugust 25, 2014January 10, 2015 by Little Green HandsAugust 25, 2014January 10, 201509876 The Green Festival 2014 in Uganda was nothing short of massive. It has now become a way of life. Environmental conservation can be fun, engaging,...
What's Happening6 days to the Big Green Festival at Kololo Airstrip on 24th AugustLittle Green HandsAugust 18, 2014January 10, 2015 by Little Green HandsAugust 18, 2014January 10, 2015049596 Kids al over are warming up for the Green Festival 2014 this sunday 24th August. Green outfits check, Green attitude check and of course Green...
What's HappeningUGANDA’S LITTLE HANDS ON VOALittle Green HandsAugust 5, 2014January 10, 2015 by Little Green HandsAugust 5, 2014January 10, 20150151779 Published on Sep 30, 2013 In Uganda, non-profit organization spearheads and mentors children to appreciate their environment by planting of trees and taking care of...