Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green is a civil society organization that has for the past few years dedicated time and resources to pioneering a model that seeks to assign proprietary interest of a green future to our children. We are on a campaign to trek across the whole of Uganda with a legion of children who are taking it upon themselves to plant at least a fruit tree per child. The enthusiasm for the project among the children is very re assuring to say the very least. To date we have planted over 250 thousand trees across various districts with still a lot more work to do. To the best of my knowledge, we hold the only Green festival in Africa as a part of our sustainable environmental activism and the Festival is highlighted by all children attendees leaving each with a tree seedling to plant.

The President of Uganda has attended the festival twice in 2012 and 2014 and planted a symbolic tree with the children at the Kololo independence grounds. We are seeking to make a Green difference in this green endeavor anchored by a different model—The “Child Citizen Model.” We have absolute faith in our children stepping up to the Climate Change challenge and are confident that through this model, we will be able to show how private citizenry and particularly our children, can undertake the challenges we face without waiting upon or looking to home governments or global institutions exclusively to take the lead.
It is also worth mentioning that we are 2 time proud recipients of the National Environment Recognition Award in 2014 and 2015 and the recipients of The Rotary Vocation Service Award 2017/2018 here in Uganda.