Little Hands Go Green
coming up News What's Happening

The Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Anita Among will host senior green ambassadors to a climate change workshop breakfast on 24th May.

The workshop to be held at Kampala Serena Hotel coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Uganda Little Hands Go Green, a civil society organization.

Over 250 of their senior Green Climate Justice Ambassadors are expected to attend the workshop held under the “Our environment is our future and our future is our responsibility-A healthy planet for the prosperity of all,”

The Rt Hon Speaker joined by the Swedish Ambassador to Uganda, the UNDP resident representative, the Min of State for Environment and Green Patrons from over schools. ,

“We are glad to announce that the office of the speaker has confirmed her presence at a climate change conference we have to mark ten years since inception. Like president Museveni who twice graced green festivals at Kololo Independence Grounds, Hon. Among has accepted to be part of this noble cause,” Joseph Masembe the CEO and founder of Uganda Little Hands Go Green told The New Vision.

Museveni and Masembe with kids at Kololo
Museveni and Masembe with kids at Kololo

According to Masembe, an environmental law graduate from Glasgow university, Scotland on 24th May 2012, Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green was launched in Yumbe District by a group of young committed child citizens and volunteers.

Masembe added that …

“Our mission was simply to empower and nurture children as the main drivers of environmental conservation and climate change mitigation. Over the past 10 years this green army of environmental patriots has traversed over 40 districts in Uganda uniquely using the model of fun and entertainment to drive the conservation message home in homes, schools and communities,”


Asked why he 10 years ago he chose to work with children, Masembe replied “, A child’s mind is like wet cement. Whatever you write on it becomes permanent. Involving children in the ownership of the fight against climate change will guarantee the posterity and sustainability of the eco system thereby guaranteeing a green future,”

Masembe reveals that over years they have managed to champion fruit tree planting campaigns, beating plastic pollution and creating urban farmers and green clubs in schools. With a network of over 450 schools all over Uganda with the Little Handa Go Green footprint, it is no doubt that this 10 year celebration is not just a memorable one, but one that prides its self in humble strides that will guarnatee the sustainability of the Pearl of Africa.

Written by: Sheillah Kabugondo

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