Little Hands Go Green
What's Happening

GEMS Cambridge International School,Kampala to host The International Children’s Climate Change Conference


On Saturday 12th July 2014, Uganda will host the first all ever International Children’s Climate Change Conference at the prestigious GEMS Cambridge International School, Kampala. Children are taking charge. The purpose of this is as follows:

To give a voice to the thoughts and views of the Children on climate change.

To bring environmental conservation education to the forefront of this war on climate change.

To instil a sense of environmental stewardship among the children

To showcase the efforts of Ugandan Children in planting trees as the first step in showing ownership of our environment.

To showcase our new form of environmental responsibility and leadership in the fight against climate change using the drive and ambition of children.

To commandeer a sense of pride and ownership of this environmental fight in the children who are the future inheritors of this planet.

200 child delegates from over 20 schools from all over the Country including both local and international schools will descend on GEMS for a a one day conference that starts at 8:30am and ends at 4 pm. Children will discuss and debate environmental issues based on the theme:

Our Environment is Our future and Our future is our Responsibility

Each representative school shall be given time to present their thoughts on the theme of the conference.

All school presentations to be done by lunch time.

The Afternoon session to see a panel of experts discuss and answer questions from the children.

The conference shall be broadcast live on UBC TV and shall be covered by media

Houses from Uganda, East Africa and beyond including Reuters, BBC, Press TV, VOA

At the end of the conference, the delegates shall plant 200 fruit trees and each be given a tree seedling, a recycling bag and an energy saver bulb to carry home.

For info, email :

Get ready to be rocked ion a Green Way!!!!!
school of Deaf 1

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